
You Know When You Actually Want to Scream “FU!”

We’ve all been there. Always having to please everyone, I’m much neither wanted or liked. But at what cost? It may seem noble to want everyone around you – as well other humans over whom you have no power or authority in any capacity thousands of miles away reading a story just because it exists out there somewhere on the interwebs, but hear me now: that kind of people-pleasing motivates shallow affirmation at best and deep self-loathing at worst. This blog covers the risk of trying to please everyone and self-care is a need as well as steps for boundaries. Perhaps it’s high time that you begin to pay attention, take a stand and do something for yourself which can genuinely bring joy into your life.

The Illusion of Approval

Superficial Respect

You are much more likely to get fake approval (as opposed to REAL RESPECT) by being a people pleaser. All you get is an instantaneous validation when you say yes to everyone around (without explicitly stating it of course, how else can we ensure that sneaky default setting activates all the time) but not a lasting appreciation or respect. Powerful assent falls off too strong more than any lone phoney angravator his or hers true ugly colors to show, and – darkness we do espieee; partake-gleam-the quicksilver bring up detail near bordom: a whore lead on!

Impact on Self-Esteem

People-pleasing is damaging to self-esteem and erodes happiness in the long run. Transforming yourself for the sake of everyone else will have you wishing that who you are is a mistake and lead to an overwhelming sense of hate + never feeling like enough. So you start to lose confidence in the notion of loving yourself and stop caring about what it is that truly made your heart soar.

Behind the Smile

Be mindful that the validation you seek from pleasing people only lasts so long and is often not as rewarding. You respect yourself and want us to admire you so stop giving into all of the bullshit.

The Hidden Cost

Silent Sacrifices

There is no ‘yes’ to another hen a small ‘no’ for you and your family. Whenever you say ‘yes’ to something you do not want, it tells yourself that what your heart and soul wants is inconsequential. This leads to burnout and loss of relationships as you become too scattered, neglecting the ones that matter most.

Burnout Beckons

This, you see is what leads to a lifetime of people-pleasing and burnout By focusing on others before yourself, you burn out your well and exhaust yourself. That is not a weakness, that IS what it means to be human and when this requires effort in any form including literal movement we are ASKING so much of the basic running systems within us that even things like just maintaining our pick up after ourselves becomes impossible.

Relationship Strain

Human design.reflects how it affect.your in people’). If you make moving other people’s guard understandable, then there will be often Jonah complex after all making freedom when heart and hearts of fans simultaneously filled up was sooner place where the man deeply inside hating to let down. And this antagonism in turn builds the resentment, which kicks you out of that safeguarded bond or relationship what your were trying to attend.

The Root Causes

Past Traumas

If you are always feeling the need to please people it could stem from past traumas or even insecurities. Judgment happens, trauma and societal expectations even personal insecurities can make us looking for validation by pleasing others. This is crucial to people pleasing recovery.

Psychological Impacts

This insistence to always try and appease everyone ended up with me hating myself enough, I entertained suicidal thoughts. When you only place others before yourself it unconsciously states that what YOU want REALLY goes ignored. This turns into self-resentment and negative behaviour.

Breaking the Cycle

just for fun

Understanding Why You People-Please

The first breakthrough to ending the cycle of people-pleasing is identifying why, you are a pleaser. It goes a step further to acknowledging what might be happening beneath, and inching closer toward some sort of real self-care from us as the military community.

Recognizing Self-Worth

The Power of Self-Worth

Self-worth leads to self-care. Once you start to realize your true worth and value, making sure others are happy will fall lower on the list of priorities. This is all part of building and keeping your self-esteem high – recognizing what you can do, celebrating where you are winning or succeeding (including with yourself) in a kind manner.

Building Self-Worth

Even a small self-congratulaions for what you have done will help bring on some own sense of ryumenance. Feel your wins, and know what you are great at. If You are Reading This, Lean More on Your Closest Circle – the people who love you for and not what they want from your

Reinforcing Self-Worth

To be kind to yourself is a show of self-capable. Treat yourself as kindly you would treat a loved one. Understand that your value as a person has nothing to do with how much someone else hates you, but based on who you are inside.

Setting Boundaries

The Necessity of Boundaries

That is not a selfish thing it just means that you cannot help anyone else if your head space has so much in it. Boundaries help you know what is okay and not, to make sure your needs are met while having healthy relationships with others. Your work/life balance will be dissolved and you are closest to burning out.

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1) Know your limits and clearly express them to be accepted. Additional Advice: Get comfortable saying no-and mean it! Remember there is nothing selfish about boundaries – it’s making sure you stand on your own two feet because the next time those oceans rise and fall at-peoples-house this. FOR THIS ONE TIME, they can get this PHONE out of the EMERGENCY box to call YOU.

Defining Of Legal Lines And Abiding By Them

Boundaries = Being consistent and assertive with your behaviour. Stay tough with your self love babe, nothing passes the test of purpose. Over time, other people will also come to understand that you are a force who won’t take bullsh*t and it gets easier for them when choice 2 becomes the primary option.

Aligning Actions to Values

Acts of Kindness vs. People-Pleasing

There is a difference between being kind to other and people-pleasing. Whereas kindness stems from empathy and a desire to help, people-pleasing starts by seeking approval. Took notice of the difference and acted in accordance to our values.

Discover your values-driven actions

Think of what really matters to you so that if some things are in line with your values, they can be found on the way. Reflect on your core values and what speaks to you

Putting Your Values in Action

Only do things that you enjoy and is in the best interest of yourself and everyone else around you. Whether that be giving back to causes you care about, or being with whom is most important to your heart spend those extra minutes doing things worth while and will lift moral.

Finally, the theme of mindfulness and self reflective is embodied in integral health nursing practice.

The Role of Mindfulness

It allows you to cultivate self-awareness and begin to recognize these patterning. If you can be aware of your thoughts and the way you are behaving it would allow for Shawn Benjamin to take on an identity And Overcome his fear from within rather than ego running a muck.

Exercises for Self-Reflection

Journal Trust your emotions what have you wanted to do for others and why remember, think on times when Think about the times in life (be it with work friends) that make you feel like trying to please everyone person at a time instead of a group(IF there ever was such an unfortunately.)

Benefits of Mindfulness

What mindfulness does for you besides this:Recognise damaging people pleaser behaviours Regular practice of this can help reduce stress if some one is going through too much, it also increases concentration and emotional resilience4 so that you respond than just react to situation in a better way.

Learning to Say No

Techniques for Saying No

To Stop being a People pleaser requires the art of assertive ‘no’ and to not feel guilty. Fake Honest, and know you would never really be faulted for wanting what is right. When to Say No: Moments of Self-Respect for You

Benefits of Saying No

You began with the word “no,” to protect yourself and those you love. The instant you establish a few guardians at your time gates and focus on aspects of your life that matters most, all the energy lost to unconscious thought just let loose to fulfill its real purpose. Or rather, I think people will start to understand your boundaries and pleas for the real you.

Overcoming Guilt

And also learning to bit a firm NO without guilt…well this requires time and patience. The write way to do that: Remind yourself, it is absolutely fine to work on You and saying NO will not in any manner imply you as a person. The more you allow yourself to do this, the easier it will be for you in doing so without feeling guilty.

Seeking Support

Importance of Support

Lean on your friends, family or professional counselors to help you stop being a people pleaser. A support system will help motivate you, hold you accountable and give suggestions along the way.

Building a Support Network

Build a community – of people you really trust and can be yourself with, who understand what your ACTUAL issues are. Tell them about your interests and what you want to do or improve in some of the activities. A supportive community of people who are really on your side can push you in a direction that is so important when it comes to

making positive shifts.

Resources for Further Help

Books, articles and workshops on people-pleasing.measuring way too high yourself come some distance these days when it involves resources for gaining knowledge of the capability to assert your desires – why silicone spatula are excellent, or that heaping flexibility is a life-changing wonder-drug. They can help a client with the plan and process of action that fits their individual needs, even offering support through it. Just keep in mind that requesting some advice is a confession of strength yet another step towards true well-being.


Yes its fabulous to have work and family, yes friends are great but at the cost of looking after ourselves it is NOT ok – we should all get a slice of happiness! Identifying the negatives to people-pleasing, but nurturing your self-worth and stepping up on behalf of yourself so that you can live a satisfying life.

And, Fyi you are also not the only one in this. Talk to a friend, family member or contact your university counselling service – and seek out resources on how you can improve at learning.

Do what you love, and whatever that makes you happy in real sense of others. BE UNIQUE! BE YOU!

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